Saturday, July 23, 2005


No one and I repeat no one can bullshit a bullshitter.
And... even with something as seemingly insignificant as this:
I was once told that I'd make any gay man go straight --well I set up an appointment for Monday morning to show my CUTCO stuff to the gay guys next door. I'm not planning on dressing up for the occassion, but if one of those guys don't move out within say... a year (I'll be nice and give an extended time period) then I will constitute the person who said that to me a liar! (heh heh)
Oh, and about CUTCO - i don't know. I'm getting really nervous. I took someone's suggestion and did a search on VECTOR marketing and what I found confirmed my suspicions. Yes, these guys definitely know how to manipulate and squeeze what little mula college-age kids might have out of them, but I will not fall for that shit. Now that I am aware and that what I initially felt has been confirmed, I will use the company's resources to the best of my ability. Hey, maybe I'll pick up a few scamming tips myself. If not, maybe I can teach them a thing or two.

But I knew something was definitely wrong when I found myself telling little white-lies for the company. I don't want to be cheating my customers, especially the ones I have now - all people I know, in my own community. Well, I am greatly disturbed and plan to speak to some of the hotties at work about this. The reason I say hotties is (in addition to the plain and simple truth pertaining to some of the above mentioned parties) that I think that the good-looking guys are who do the best at being salespeople. Mothers love having nice, young, handsome, polite boys over to sell them knives. The really anxious ones will only buy one knife and call him back a couple of weeks later to stop by their house again to sell them more CUTCO. Who knows what will happen? I plan to stick around for as long as I feel that I am ahead of them...and then hopefully beat it before they catch on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

niq -
u havent turned me straight yet

11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well you've certainly turned me gay (bian)

5:08 PM  
Blogger yoniqua said...

wowie wow. u guys can cut it out now thanks.

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a very profound statement indeed.

8:32 AM  
Blogger yoniqua said...


11:03 AM  

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